Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Illinois Politician Supports Gay Marriage...and the Politician's Name is Obama!

Even though President-elect Obama does not support gay marriage in his recent run for the Office of President, in 1996 (according to a source that andrewsullivan.com found), Mr. Obama did support gay marriage:

Quote For The Day

"I favor legalizing same-sex marriages, and would fight efforts to prohibit such marriages," - Barack Obama, to the Windy City Times in Chicago, in 1996.

Some context from the emailed press release:

During the final weeks of the presidential campaign last fall, several media outlets contacted Windy City Times because of an old internet story from the 1996 Illinois state Senate race. In that campaign, Outlines newspaper reported that 13th District candidate Barack Obama supported gay marriage. Reporters wanted to know what exactly Obama had said. Outlines summarized the results in that 1996 article by Trudy Ring, but did not list exact answers to questions. In that article Outlines did note that Obama was a supporter of same-sex marriage and that article was never challenged or corrected by Obama. Just recently, the original Outlines and IMPACT surveys were found in the newspaper's archives.

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I am not ignorant in believing that Obama wouldn't change his tune. Being electable in this country for straight politicians means you cannot support gay marriage: just ask Ms. Clinton.

Wiley politician, Mr. Obama thou art!



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