This little article on and the Union Leader is sad: Gene Robinson led a quiet, hush-hush retreat for gay clergy in the Catholic Church. It looks like 75 attended. By "quiet," it means that the superiors of the priests did not know they attended the retreat.
What is sad is that we have these retreats on the quiet, on the side, on the "hush hush" part of life, rather than in the light of day. Are there gay Catholic clergy? You bet! Are there gay Orthodox clergy? Sure! Are there gay ministers in the Southern Baptist Church? Lots! Are there gay pastors in African American churches? Yep! And are there gay ministers in the mainline and non-denominational, free-will Baptist, Seventh Day Adventist, Assembly of God, Holiness Pentecostal churches? Uh-huh. Lots. Loads. A plethora.
And are the majority of them living in the closet? Yep.
And is living in the closet of Don't Ask Don't Tell bad for your health of mind, body, and spirit? Sure is!
Got the point?
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Pace, B
Emboldened Kremlin Steps Up Efforts to Seize Businesses in Russia
The legal onslaught on Moscow’s second-largest airport has been seen as
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2 hours ago
My father was one of them......and when he and my mother finally decided they needed to divorce to get on with their lives his church ran him off......
As you know, your dad was neither the first nor the last. WWJD, eh?
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