Monday, May 19, 2008

Love and Death

On, along with, there was an article on two women, lesbians, who killed themselves by setting themselves on fire. Their respective families tried to keep them apart. They died in each other's arms. They had been life-long friends, as well as lovers, partners, and truly in love with each other.

"Around midnight, they poured kerosene on their body and set themselves on fire," a police officer told the Times of India.

"They appear to have hugged each other during the final moments of their life."

In bitter irony both families agree to allow the remains of the two women to be cremated together.

Click here for the rest of the story.

What is amazing to me is this: the countless number of LGBT who are also dying by not coming out and living freely. While I was "one of these" recently, I now know what it is like to live more freely as well, and none too late. When I watched "Saul", who is the 60+ year old character on ABC TV's "Brothers and Sisters," I am struck by the importance of coming out, no matter one's age. The sadness, I think and feel, is not coming out and living the life we were meant, called, created to live and to be.

Are those who are ot able to live "out" and "be" who they were created allowing themselves to die a slow death in the absence of love?



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