Friday, April 18, 2008

Wake Up America! Uruguay Celebrates Gay Marriage

(Tip from

For goodness sakes, America, Uruguay celebrates a gay marriage! Get a load of this:
"Judge Estrella Perez officiated the civil union between Adrian Figuera, 38, and actor and theater director Juan Carlos Moretti, 67, in a courtroom before a small group of friends and family, as witnessed by an AFP reporter." Read and click here for more.

As we fight against constitutional amendments that prohibit us from getting married, other states in this union, along with other civilized (!) countries welcome LGBT couples in getting married.

It is time to change.

Peace, Brett

1 comment:

Ringbearer said...

Congratulations Uruguay on your Civil union. Yes it is time for America to wake up and celebrate all of its citizens. Visit after you get the wake-up-call.