In my little hamlet of Carrboro, NC--the very same place that had one of the first out gay elected officials (Mike Nelson as Mayor), and claims to be the Paris of the Piedmont--the news around town is this: we could be a town that puts forth a resolution asking the legislature to allow same sex marriage. The resolution was passed unanimously. Click here for more.
The idea behind this resolution is to start a debate in the state of NC. What is awkward is that NC isn't ready to have such a discussion yet. We can't vote for a bill that outlaws bullying that includes LGBT youth.
But we have to start somewhere, and why not start the debate from my hometown!
Asian Markets Slide as Global Sell-Off Continues
Markets in Japan, South Korea and Taiwan were down about 2 percent on
Tuesday morning, after the S&P 500 had its worst day of the year.
2 hours ago
You'd better start practicing getting down on your knee (notice I didn't say knees....proposals are suppose to be classy).
This is only the start of a new era in NC. We can't stop now and just have Carrboro and CH taking stands for same-sex marriage, we need to push the rural areas to see the justice in our cause- and we are NOT going to shut-down their churches if they don't marry gay couples. We want civil marriage.
One knee :->
And Tom is right: this is but a beginning. The fear is that we are not a state that is ready to debate this issue, let alone pass it. Heck: we're still afraid of anti-bullying bills that include the word "gay and lesbian."
Indeed, Chapel Hill supports gay marriage.
After reading the story about gay marriage in Carrboro, I made a similiar proposal to the CH Town Council- it passed without debate and with FULL support.
I feel very fortunate to live in this area- but the movement continues to the rural areas, as well.
Proud of Chapel Hillians!
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