Sunday, June 15, 2014

On Being a Gay Parent, Seven Years Later

I wrote the book On Being a Gay Parent seven years ago (or that's when it was published). This book was made possible by my kids Adrianne Webb-Mitchell and Parker. Published in 2007, still learning from it today. I wrote in the book that being a gay parent was "like improvisational performance art" because we are playing off of no master narrative or script. Unlike non-LGBTQ parents, there are plenty of stories and narratives to play off of as you parent. The same is not true for us LGBTQ parents.  I still think the same is true today as I grow older: with the paucity of stories of being an LGBTQ parent, we are still making this stuff up as we grow up with our children and now grandchildren.  We fly by the seat of our pants and are improvising each and every day.  Sometimes it works, other days, it bombs. But we smile, laugh, and move on. Someday I may write about being a grandpa who is gay. Oy!


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