Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Common Ground Initiative in Utah: Gone!

I've been following the five point Common Ground plan in Utah.  The Common Ground plan supported LGBT's rights to visit loved ones in the hospital, medical care shared, equal housing, employment rights, and probate rights.  The LDS (Mormons) said they would support these rights among LGBT people.

Guess who forgot to support these rights in the legislative process?


It died in the legislative committee handling it.

Even though there was nothing religious in the language, the LDS said nothing.

So even if the issue is all about civil rights for people who are LGBT, having nothing to do with gay marriage, no support even in this arena.

Read here for more.




manxxman said...

If the Mormon church was correcting in saying they only objected to "gay" marriage then they would have made sure how their "Mormon" representatives voted on "gay" rights.

Me thinks their claim rings like a hollow gong.

Carrboroguy said...

It was obviously a way to show hypocrisy on behalf of the LDS. And hypocrisy has so many names:
