This is my testimony against reparative/conversion therapy, debated yesterday at General Assembly of the PCUSA:
For Bill/Motion #11-23
The Rev. Dr. Brett Webb-Mitchell
In Psalm 139: 13-15, the Psalmist wrote, “For you yourself
created my inmost parts; you knit me together in my mother’s womb. I will thank
you because I am marvelously made; your works are wonderful, and I know it
well. My body was not hidden from you,
while I was being made in secret and woven in the depths of the earth.”
These words from Ps. 139 are my touchstone as I came out of
the gay closet I lived in for forty years and realized that our Creator made
each of us: male, female and non-binary identity, lesbian, gay, bisexual,
transgender, queer, and intersex, and it was good. Nowhere in this Psalm or any Scripture do we
read or hear that God didn’t make us as we are.
As one popular poster in the 1960s boasted proudly, “God don’t make
junk.” The Creator created us just as
the Creator wanted us to be in this world.
This positive message of Holy Scripture has been
conveniently forgotten by many in our faith community who promote the misconception
that an individual can change one’s sexual orientation or gender identity
through what was erroneously titled “reparative” or “conversion” therapy, which
implies my being gay, or another person being lesbian, bisexual, transgender,
or non-binary, was a mistake by God, and thus human beings needed to “repair”
we who were created by the Creator. The research on such efforts has disproven
their efficacy, and also has indicated that a person who is a client for one
who practices reparative therapy may be harmed for life. How is one harmed? In this supposedly “therapeutic” approach,
the LGBTQ person is filled with the societal prejudice and family rejection
that many of us experienced earlier in life. Indeed, the very architect of
reparative therapy, psychiatrist L. Spitzer has since denounced this very
practiced and has apologized for endorsing the practice.
I urge you to vote for #11-23 and against any motion that
comes to this committee or the floor of General Assembly that endorses this
rejected form of therapy. After all, the God who beheld my limbs, yet
unfinished in the womb, fashioned me.
Therefore, I will thank God because I, as an out gay Presbyterian
pastor, am marvelously made (Ps. 139)
The Rev. Dr. Brett Webb-Mitchell
St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church
3228 SW Sunset Blvd.,
Portland, OR 97239