Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Constance McMillen: A Prom Queen After All

From, there was this marvelous story about the Mississippi young lesbian, Constance McMillen, whose hope of going to the prom was thwarted by a callous high school and town. She just wanted to go to the prom with her girlfriend. But that was more than a town could handle: honesty and truthfulness among high schoolers.

Many of my friends, including me, went to the prom with an opposite sex date, though we were flirtatious in dancing with our boyfriends at the same prom.

Well done, Constance!

Click here for more.



1 comment:

Banana and Cheese said...

A friend and I recently launched our website:

It's a kid-friendly site about my cats and their family (yes, we're a gay family). We are hoping to publish a book in the spring of 2011, but for right now are having a great time with the blog. Please check it out, and if you like it, please tell your friends!