Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Maureen Dowd Column Today: Palin Wanting to Ban Gay Books

There was this snippet today in Maureen Dowd's column on about then-Mayor Palin who wanted to ban certain books from the public library:

"In Anchorage Saturday, I went by a conference conducted by James Dobson’s Focus on the Family and supported by Sarah’s current church, the Wasilla Bible Church, about how to help gays and lesbians “journey out” of same-sex attraction.

(As The Times reported recently, in 1995, Palin, then a city councilwoman, told colleagues she had seen “Daddy’s Roommate” on the shelf of the library and did not approve. The Wasilla Assembly of God tried to ban “Pastor, I Am Gay” by Howard Bess, a liberal Christian preacher in nearby Palmer.)

Anne Heche’s mother, Nancy, talked about her distress when her daughter told her she was involved with Ellen. Jeff Johnston told me he had “a struggle” with homosexuality “for a season,” but is now “happily married with three boys.” (Books for sale there included “Mommy, Why Are They Holding Hands?” and “You Don’t Have to Be Gay.”)"

So we could go from the days of having the First Lady Librarian who supports reading (of all kinds of books...I'm not aware of her advocating banning books) to a possible VP who is in support of banning "certain" books.

Click here for the column.




manxxman said...

I would have sent you an email but was unable to find one on your blog sight. I told you earlier that my Presbyterian Church is having an 11 week course on sexuality and the church. You can hear the various speakers and read all the material that is being passed out weekly at

Brett Webb-Mitchell said...

I'm going on to your website!

Brett Webb-Mitchell said...

I like the outline of your church's discussion. It is helpful.

So what is the goal of all these classes, besides having a church that is more intelligent about the issues?