This morning on CBS Sunday Morning they had a cute Fathers' Day "postcard" with two gay dads and their cherubic child.
Those were the days!
Now I have two grown adult children, and things are quite different. And a nice testimony to the difference was the gift of presence today: Dean and I showed up unexpectedly at the Weathervane restaurant in Chapel Hill, not telling Parker (son) that we were there. He was gracious and kind when he realized we were there...to the point of paying for our meals and providing a cheese plate and dessert...holy kaboly!
Tonight, daughter Adrianne is going with us to hear some good old blues and folk music at a picnic with us. We'll help provide the food.
A marvelous day to be a dad and partner.
Glad you had a good Father's Day. I got a call from my daughter in Chile which put a smile on my face and late in the evening my son called also.....
Special day...thanks for sharing!
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