Monday, September 15, 2008

Governor Palin and the Rev. Bess: Who Would Let ON BEING A GAY PARENT in the Wasilla Library?

I've contacted my publisher about having my book, ON BEING A GAY PARENT sent to Wasilla Library in Alaska. I think that all of us who are authors who have written LGBTQ books should have our books sent to Wasilla Public Library, so that the shelves are weighed down with such good and helpful books. And once Wasilla Public Library has its quota of books, we move to each and every public library in Alaska.

If you are reading this blog, and you support McCain-Palin and you are either LGBTQ or a straight ally, then please read this article from (click here). The Rev. Bess, who wrote PASTOR, I AM GAY, knows Ms. Palin well. And as he refers to her in this interview, and to paraphrase and add on something to his comment, Ms. Palin is "Jerry Falwell..." with lipstick. Or what is the difference between Ms. Palin and Jerry Falwell? Lipstick.

Time to act.



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