Tuesday, November 26, 2013

30 Years of Ordination!

On Nov. 27, 1983, I was ordained a Minister of Word and Sacrament in the Presbyterian Church (USA).


It has been 30 years of being ordained.

And a LOT has happened in those 30 years...with the possibility along this chronological pilgrimage of being defrocked, censured, or at least reprimanded, for being out and gay as an ordained clergyperson in the Church.  Thankfully, I was spared any kind of punishment because of the protection of my then-Executive Presbyter, and by the grace of God.



Thursday, November 21, 2013

Eighteen Year "Anniversary" of Sorts

This is what I posted on Facebook this morning:

18 years together. Wow! Who'd have thought it possible?! No engagement, no wedding, just life with kids, dogs, buying houses, land, dreams, cars, vacations. One day at a time. A kiss. A hug. Time apart and time together, finding balance between this extrovert and that introvert. Spiritual but not doctrinaire. Kicking ass when needed, and moving forward. Speaking out. Dinners together late at night always. Writing our own narrative because America doesn't have one for a relationship like this. We are performing artists, improvising each day. Mazel Tov!

I want to add a little more...

Dean had graduated from Duke Divinity School and I was still a faculty member at the Divinity School, though separated--legally--from my then-wife. Unlike the giddiness that heterosexuals experience in the early days of "falling in love" and attraction to one another in the sunlight of days, we lived in a shadow world.  I knew that I would be "kicked out" of the Divinity School by the faculty or Dean, because I knew where they all stood--where the United Methodist Church stood--on LGBTQ people: love the sinner, hate the sin, and don't hire them or let them be church leaders.  And I feared the Presbyterian Church (USA) that was bringing LGBTQ people and allies before Permanent Judicial Councils to face hearings for simply being out and an ordained.

18 years later: the story about Duke is being written. As for ordination, as of this coming Wed., it will be 30 years since I was ordained. 30. And Dean and I are still together, though we move and live in a very different orbit with one another.  Our relationship has matured with time and experience as we've come closer and drifted apart from time to time. 

The dogs, Lil and Toby (my first dogs) continue to witness our lives together, and even in the most insane days they wag tails and look up for a pet on the head. 

The kids still talk with us.

Pam still talks with us.

Dean's mom and my mom still talk with us, as do our siblings.

More updates to come!

18 years...and 1 day, and counting.



Monday, November 18, 2013

Sunday School taught me that Jesus was straight...My Huffingtonpost.com essay

I've begun earnestly working on my memoir, Everyday Superman.  I am going to be taking essays published on Huffingtonpost.com, salon.com, goqnotes.com, parentsociety.com, and chapelhillnews.com, and "re-purpose" them for the book, "Everyday Superman."

The first of the new essays was published today: "Sunday school taught me that Jesus was straight." The intro/hook is this line:  There was never any discussion about the married status of these biblical people. It was simply assumed that they were all straight, just like my family: a mom and dad, children, grandparents, aunts and uncles.

Please read, hit "like", and please help me in pushing this article out there.

Here's the link.http://www.huffingtonpost.com/brett-webbmitchell/what-sunday-school-taught-me_b_4277688.html?utm_hp_ref=religion



p.s., the next essay is "I Heart Ron...a love affair with Young Life"

Thursday, November 14, 2013

HI: State #16! Sweet 16!

Beautiful HI is state #16.

It is a marvel.

It is a dream come true.

As everyone else has written, this move toward marriage equality began with HI, and now it has come full circle.

Marriage equality in HI.

Next: NM? OR? CO?



Equality North Carolina Video

At the recent gala banquet of Equality NC in Greensboro, NC, there was a video shown that has a few random bits of an interview that Frank Eaton skillfully did with me a year ago.

Here's the link: https://vimeo.com/78882252The password is "Mack."




Tuesday, November 5, 2013

IL is state #15!

Holy Kaboly: 15 states.

More than the 1/3 of the population of US has marriage equality.

Cities with some of the nation's largest population celebrates marriage equality: MA, NY, CA, IL...but not TX, FL, or NC, GA...

Yet no federal law (yet) on employment discrimination.

Congrats, IL!



Friday, November 1, 2013

Remembering Saints


They matter to us who are LGBTQI pioneers today, because there was, oh, a whole lot of people before us who paved the way that we're walking today.

All Saints' Day is today.  All Hallows' Eve last night was meant to scare the bejezus out of evil in order to make today an all holy kind of day.

So, let's remember the saints before us, and where they led and are leading us: Harvey Milk was a saint. Mychal Judge of 9/11 fame; Saints Pepetua and Felicity; St. John of the Cross; David Kato; Jeanne Manford; Henri Nouwen; Adrienne Rich; Bayard Rustin; Matthew Shepard; Pauli Murray...

Lord in your mercy...

Hear our prayer...

